Early morning, the day after.
Mom: Sam, remember how we talked last night about things that you wanted to change in your room?
S: Yes, I remember.
M: Well is there anything about eating or breakfast time that bothers you or worries you that you’d like to change?
S: Yes.
M: Now remember if everything is good we don’t have to change anything just to change it. Only let’s change things that worry us.
S: Ok. Mom I want to have dinner for breakfast & breakfast in the evening, okay mom?
M: Okay, we can do that. What would you like for dinner then?
S: I would like pizza.
M: Okay, pizza it is…
After “breakfast” completely spontaneously…
S: Mom, do we have Kennedy today?
M: Yes Sam.
S: I would like pancakes for lunch, in the van.
The floodgates are open.